Ordering Description Product number Description: FFRS 2000 Product number: 0809914885 Description: FFRS 2000 with heaters Product number: 0809914886 Description: FFRS 3000 Product number: 0809914887 Description: FFRS 3000 with heaters Product number: 0809914888 Description: FFRS Super with cyclone filter Product number: 0809914881 Description: FFRS Super with heaters and Tedak filter Product number: 0809914884 Description: FFRS Super with heaters in TPC Product number: 0809914882 Description: FFRS Super with Tedak dust filter Product number: 0809914883
Accessories & Parts Description Product number Description:Air central Product number: 0417714880 Description:Flux hopper 10 l (2.6 gal.) Product number: 0147649881 Description:Flux hopper of silumin alloy, 6 l (1.4 gal) Product number: 0413315881 Description:Compact 300 Flux valve control kit* Product number: 0813620880 Description:Holder for hopper Product number: 0148487880 Description:Level indicator for TPC Product number: 0452048880 Description:Pneumatic flux valve Product number: 0802540880 Description:Flux hopper 2.6 gal (10 L), bent left Product number: 0156230883 Description:Flux hopper 2.6 gal (10 L), bent front Product number: 0156230884 Description:Flux hopper 2.6 gal (10 L), bent right Product number: 0156230885